Get skills with our IBM Integration courses at Inspire for Solutions Development, an IBM Platinum Business Partner in Amman, Cairo, Dubai.
You can use IBM Integration Bus to connect applications together, regardless of the message formats or protocols that they support. This connectivity means that your diverse applications can interact and exchange data with other applications in a flexible, dynamic, and extensible infrastructure. IBM Integration Bus routes, transforms, and enriches messages from one location to any other location.
IBM Connect:Direct® is point-to-point (peer-to-peer) file-based integration middleware meant for 24x7 unattended operation, which provides assured delivery, high-volume, and secure data exchange within and between enterprises. It is optimized for high performance and throughput and moves files containing any type of data (text, EDI, binary, digital content, image) across multiple platforms, disparate file systems, and disparate media. It is used by many industries throughout the world to move large volumes of data and for connecting to remote offices.
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